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My Feet Go Numb When I Sit On The Toilet

For example hunching forward restricts blood flow to your pelvic nerves which extend down your legs all the way to your toes. Ad Support for pain numbness tingling swelling muscle weakness.

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Why do my feet fall asleep on the toilet.

My feet go numb when i sit on the toilet. Side effects of medications. Get to know them now. Your Posture Isnt Up to Par. But if you dont have that cushioning your blood vessels can get compressed causing another problem to blood flowand ultimately tingling feet. Ad Some joint conditions can cause someones legs to go numb. It is not normal for any part of you to turn purple.

Poor posture is the other common cause of legs falling asleep on the toilet. My mother who is 80 plays on a womans golf league and can out shop anyone. Causes include frostbite and trauma. If it goes away with elevation or getting up and moving around you probably have a venous issue. 59k views Reviewed 2 years ago. When you bear down to poop you raise the pressure in your spinal column technically called the intrathecal pressure.

War is when the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other -Niko Bellic. Pretty sure its the angle of sitting on toilet cuts of nerves or something just like when you fall asleep on your hand or sit funny and your andfeet go numb. Essentially what is happening is that the position while seated on the toilet is allowing some of the nerves in your legs to be compressed by your body weight which causes numbness and tingling on your legs in the areas where the nerves run. Foot numbness is the loss of sensory nerve function usually caused by a decrease in blood flow to the foots nerves. Foot numbness is an abnormal condition in which you feel a loss of sensation in one unilateral or both bilateral feet including the toes. Surgery 26 years experience.

Other causes of feet numbness include restless leg syndrome sciatica or tarsal tunnel syndrome. Compression of this nerve through an awkward sitting position can lead to temporary numbness of the concerned leg. This will cause a slower flow of blood to the lower limbs and in time will cause an insufficient flow of blood to the lower limbs thus making the numb sensation. The causes of neuropathy can because by many different things including but not limited to back is. Thats because body fat cushions the blood vessels in your legs preventing them from getting compressed when you sit. Support Forums Fibromyalgia.

Anytime I sit I need to keep my feet moving or they turn blotchy blue and purple. You may have venous obstruction when you sit which causes the blood to pool in your legs hence the purple discoloration. Foot numbness is usually due to a lack of blood supply to an area or nerve damage. If that happens for more than 15 minutes you might lose sensation in your legs or feet. Read below for more information on causes and treatment options. Yes it can be prevented by using a small stool to rest your feet and shift the weight balance to your buttocks rather than your thigh.

Numbness in both feet is a symptom of neuropathy. Sitting in the same position long enough can cause nerves or blood vessels to be compressed leading to the falling asleep sensation or numbness and tingling in the legs. Peripheral neuropathy often presents with pain weakness altered balance and co-ordination pins and needles and numb feet. Same same happens to me. Numbness can also occur when compression of blood vessels concerned with supplying an area of innervation thereby temporarily cutting off the blood supply and causing the associated numb feeling. Sometimes having numbness pins and needles in the feet after prolonged sitting can be a problem if you are putting pressure on the nerves in your legs and causing them to go to sleep You should make sure that you are working in a seat that is ergonomic and properly positioned to try to avoid this.

The way you sit on the toilet may not be ideal and an awkward position or bend in the legs can make nerve compression more likely. But it never happens anywhere else so I think its something to do with my shiitting stance. Most incidents of foot pain come and go fairly quickly with little medical advice. Why does it happen on the toilet. A breakthrough treatment works within minutes. Why do my feet fall asleep on the toilet.

Sometimes that rise in pressure will cause the discs in your spine to move against the nerves where they exit the spine and cause numbness weakness and a generally weird feeling down the legs. You can find out more about this cause of numb feet including the symptoms and causes in the peripheral neuropathy section. Im 59 and cant keep up to her. Numbness in the legs has many shocking causes. You have a long nerve inside your ballsack that hangs down and stretches when you are on the toilet. 4 CRF250F Dec 14 2012.

Legs and feet go to sleep sitting on the toilet. After it has fully extended it sends signals to your legs to numb in the hopes that you stay that way you know cuz it really likes to get a good stretch in. Both of my feetlower calves go numb if I sit on the toilet for 20 mins. Ad Foot pain is a common complaint amongst millions of people every year and the causes. The causes of neuropathy can because by many different things including but not limited to back is. Foot numbness can result from infection inflammation trauma malignancy and other abnormal processes although a numb.

I have Raynauds and poor circulation. Numbness in the feet can be caused from trauma from an injury or nerve damage to any part of the leg that may affect your feet.

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